Count Record Content
Count Characters Inside Fields
This sample code counts the number of characters in a Kintone App's text field and stores the number in a number field.
Count the Number of Rows in Tables
This article introduces how to count the number of rows in a table of a Kintone App, and input the result into a Number field. The rows are counted when the record is saved.
Count the Number of Users in Tables
This article introduces how to count the number of specific users in tables of records in Kintone Apps.
Display the Total Number of Related Records
This article introduces how to calculate and display the total number of records listed within a Kintone App's Related records field.
Display the Total Records that Contain a Specific Value
This sample code calculates the total number of records with a given value, and displays the total at the top of the record list page.
Filter Through Record Data and Display a Summary
This article introduces how to use Underscore.js to filter and sort through records of a Kintone App.