This article introduces how to bulk download attachment files from multiple records in an App, using the
library. This is especially useful for users who have stored many files in a Kintone App, and wish to download all the files at once.
The Bulk Download Flow
The bulk download process from Kintone is as follows:
To download attachment files from Kintone, fileKeys need to be obtained from the records using the
Get Records API
. The
Download File API
can then be used, using the fileKey as the parameter value.
Note that the steps Get Records, Create fileKey list, and Create URLs need to run asynchronously.
Prepare the following JavaScript code in a text editor and navigate to the Kintone App's settings.
Upload the file into the Upload JavaScript for PC option of the
JavaScript and CSS Customization settings
/* global JSZip *//* global JSZipUtils *//* global saveAs */// /
// / License
// / FileSaver.js MIT
// / jszip MIT or GPLv3
// / jszip-utils MIT or GPLv3
// /
(function() {
'use strict';
var fieldCode = 'Attachment'; // Field code of Attachment field
var isGuestSpace = false;
// Get records function(async) - limit of 100 records
function getAppRecords() {
var url = kintone.api.url('/k/v1/records.json', isGuestSpace);
var appId =;
var condition = || '';
var query = condition + 'order by $id asc';
var body = {
'app': appId,
'query': query,
'field': fieldCode
return kintone.api(url, 'GET', body);
// Extract and list fileKeys
function getFileKeys(json) {
var keys = [];
for (var i = 0; i < json.records.length; i++) {
var filetype = json.records[i][fieldCode];
// When multiple files are attached
for (var j = 0; j < filetype.value.length; j++) {
return keys;
// Check file sizes
function checkFileSize(filekeys) {
if (filekeys.length === 0) {
return kintone.Promise.reject('Attachements were not found.');
var totalsize = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < filekeys.length; i++) {
totalsize += parseInt(filekeys[i].size, 10);
if (totalsize < 999) { // less than 1KB
totalsize = String(totalsize);
} elseif (totalsize < 999999) { // less than 1MB
totalsize = parseInt(totalsize / 1000, 10) + 'K';
} elseif (totalsize < 999999999) { // less than 1GB
totalsize = parseInt(totalsize / 1000000, 10) + 'M';
} else {
// Limit to 1GB
return kintone.Promise.reject('File size is too large');
var dflag = confirm('Download ' + totalsize + ' bytes. Is it OK to proceed?');
if (!dflag) {
return kintone.Promise.reject('Download canceled');
return filekeys;
// Get file URL (async)
function addFileURL(key) {
returnnew kintone.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var params = {
'fileKey': key.fileKey
var url = kintone.api.urlForGet('/k/v1/file.json', params, isGuestSpace);'GET', url, true); // async
xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
xhr.responseType = 'blob';
xhr.onload = function() {
if (xhr.status === 200) {
var blob = new Blob([xhr.response]);
var wurl = window.URL || window.webkitURL;
var blobUrl = wurl.createObjectURL(blob);
key.blobUrl = blobUrl; // Add URL to key record
} else {
// Get multiple file URLs
function addfileURLs(filekeys, keynum) {
var opt_keynum = keynum || 0;
return addFileURL(filekeys[opt_keynum]).then(function(resp) {
if (opt_keynum === filekeys.length) {
return filekeys;
return addfileURLs(filekeys, opt_keynum);
// Asynchronously download a file and add it to the zip file
function downloadFile(zip, url, filename) {
returnnew kintone.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// getBinaryContent is an API that retrieves files from URLs asynchronously
JSZipUtils.getBinaryContent(url, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
zip.file(filename, data, {binary: true});
// Download multiple files
function downloadFiles(files, zip, filenum) {
var opt_zip = zip || new JSZip();
var opt_filenum = filenum || 0;
return downloadFile(opt_zip, files[opt_filenum].blobUrl, files[opt_filenum].name).then(function(data) {
if (opt_filenum === files.length) {
return opt_zip;
return downloadFiles(files, opt_zip, opt_filenum);
// Zip the file
function doZipFile(zip) {
return zip.generateAsync({type: 'blob'});
// Save the file
function saveZipFile(content) {
// Use FileSaver.js
return saveAs(content, '');
// Button click function
function getZipFile() {
.catch(function(error) {
// Create a button in the Record List view'', function(e) {
// For debug
if (document.getElementById('menuButton') !== null) {
var menuButton = document.createElement('button'); = 'menuButton';
menuButton.innerHTML = 'Download at once';
menuButton.onclick = function() {
The JavaScript and CSS Customization settings should look like the following:
The order in which JavaScript and CSS are uploaded to an App matters. In this example, ensure that the 3 libraries are uploaded before the sample JavaScript file. The order of the uploads can be changed by clicking and dragging on the arrows for each item on the Upload JavaScript / CSS page.
After saving the settings, update the App.
The source code places the button for the bulk download on the Record List view. When the button is clicked, the getZipFile function is called.
getZipFile starts a promise chain. This makes the order of the later processes clearer and handling of asynchronous processes easier. then() is used to pass on the object obtained from getAppRecords from promise to promise, and a list of fileKeys is created from this object.
Test the Integration
Add a few records into the App, and attach files to the Attachment fields. Navigate to the Record List page of the App. A button should be displayed above the list of records. Click the button to start the download process.
In this sample, only data of up to 100 records will be downloaded as a Zip file.
The sample does not support Attachment fields placed in
Table fields
FileSaver.js has restrictions on file sizes, depending on what browser is being used.