Prepare the following JavaScript code in a text editor and navigate to the Kintone App's settings. Upload the file into the Upload JavaScript for PC option of the
JavaScript and CSS Customization settings
// Use the Radio button to disable fields
(function() {
'use strict';
var CHOICE = 'radio_button_field'; // field code of radio button
var FIELD_A = 'FieldA'; // field code of the field to disable
var FIELD_B = 'FieldB'; // field code of another field to disable
var FIELD_C = 'FieldC'; // field code of one more field to disable
var events = ['', '', 'app.record.create.change.' + CHOICE, 'app.record.edit.change.' + CHOICE];, function(event) {
var record = event.record;
var toggleVal = record[CHOICE].value;
if (toggleVal === 'A') {
record[FIELD_A].disabled = false;
record[FIELD_B].disabled = true;
record[FIELD_C].disabled = true;
} elseif (toggleVal === 'B') {
record[FIELD_A].disabled = true;
record[FIELD_B].disabled = false;
record[FIELD_C].disabled = true;
} else {
record[FIELD_A].disabled = true;
record[FIELD_B].disabled = true;
record[FIELD_C].disabled = false;
return event;
Navigate to the Record Create page or the Record Edit page. Clicking through the choices in the Radio button field should disable or enable the related Text fields.