API Updates for October 2019

API Updates

The next Kintone update is 11th October 2019. The release also includes the following updates.

Kintone Product

Spec changes

  • Spec changes to the SAML feature
    Currently if SAML settings are set up on a Kintone domain, users may bypass the SAML redirect and access the Kintone log in page directly by placing saml=off in the parameter of the log-in URL.

    As of the October update, an option will be added to this SAML feature, so that users will not be able to bypass the SAML redirect. Enabling this option will restrict access API calls from some times of authentications:

    • Domains with SAML authentication set up, that allow the saml=off parameter
      APIs may be authenticated via Password Authentication
      APIs may be authenticated via API Token Authentication
      APIs may be authenticated via OAuth
    • Domains with SAML authentication set up, that do not allow the saml=off parameter
      APIs may be authenticated via Password Authentication, if the user to authenticate has Kintone Administrator privileges
      APIs may be authenticated via API Tokens Authentication
      APIs may be authenticated via OAuth