API Updates for February 2023 (2nd Announcement)

API Updates

The next Kintone update is on 13th February 2023. The release also includes the following API updates.

Update Summary

The February 2023 update includes spec changes to the records and fields permission-related REST APIs.

Kintone REST API

Spec changes

  • When REST APIs are used to update the permissions of records and fields, the updates will be applied to the records sequentially.
    • Relevant APIs
    • Details
      • Before the change:
        • After the permission settings of all records were ready to be applied, they were applied simultaneously.
        • The time it took for the permission settings to be ready for all records depended on the number of records in the App.
      • After the change:
        • Permission settings are applied to records sequentially.
        • Until permission settings are applied to all records, there will be a period where records in the App will have a mixture of permission settings. During this period, a message will appear on the App Settings page stating, "Applying permission setting changes to each record.".
        • The time it takes for the permission settings to be applied to all records depends on the number of records in the App.