Plug-in Development Specifications
"Plug-ins" are packaged JavaScript and CSS customizations for Kintone Apps.
Kintone allows users to install plug-ins to expand on functionality of Apps via JavaScript. When enhancing Apps with JavaScript, users need to update and re-upload their JavaScript files when making updates to their customization. Plug-ins however allow users to make updates to the customization via the plug-in settings page.
This article explains the specifications for plug-in development.
Files That Can Be Packaged
The following files can be included for the development of the plug-in. The *
indicates the required files.
Image Files
The icon image for the Plug-in.
- This file is required.
- The following file types can be set: png, jpg, gif, bmp
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
JavaScript Files
The JavaScript file that runs on desktop browsers. This is where the main Kintone customization codes are written.
- The file can use data stored in the Plug-in Settings page.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
can be used to retrieve data stored in the Plug-in Settings page. This data needs to be initially set by the config.js
file using
Developers are advised to write their code within the following immediately invoked function expression.
This ensures that the JavaScript code will use the settings of its related plug-in, even when there are multiple plug-ins added to the Kintone App.
The JavaScript file that runs on mobile browsers.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
The JavaScript file that creates the settings page of the Plug-in.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
is used to save variables to the plug-in.
CSS Files
The CSS file that runs on Desktop browsers.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
To use the Kintone design, follow the guide in the following article:
Plug-in Stylesheet Guide
The CSS file that runs on mobile browsers.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
The stylesheet that runs on the settings page of the Plug-in.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 20MB.
To use the Kintone design, follow the guide in the following article:
Kintone stylesheet
HTML Files
The HTML file that displays the settings of the Plug-in, on the Plug-in Settings page.
- This file is optional, and can be ignored.
- The maximum file size is 64KB.
The Manifest File
The manifest file stores various parameters for the plug-in, and is a required file.
Manifest file format
The manifest file format is as below. Specify each parameter in a JSON format.
manifest_version | Integer | Yes | The manifest version of the plug-in. Specify the integer 1 . |
version | Integer or String | Yes | The plug-in version. |
type | String | Yes | The type of the plug-in. Specify the string APP . |
name | Object | Yes | An object including data of localized plug-in names. The following language codes can be specified:en : Englishja : Japanesezh : Chinese (Simplified)zh-TW : Chinese (Traditional)es : Spanishpt-BR : Brazilian Portugueseth : Thai |
name.<locale> | String | Yes | The localized name of the plug-in. Must be between 1 to 64 characters. name.en is required. |
description | String | Optional | An object including data of localized plug-in descriptions. The following language codes can be specified:en : Englishja : Japanesezh : Chinese (Simplified)zh-TW : Chinese (Traditional)es : Spanishpt-BR : Brazilian Portugueseth : Thai |
description.<locale> | String | Yes | The localized description of the plug-in. Must be between 1 to 200 characters. description.en is required. |
icon | String | Yes | The plug-in icon file. Only files within the plug-in can be specified. |
homepage_url | Object | Optional | An object including data of website links for various Locales. The following language codes can be specified:en : Englishja : Japanesezh : Chinese (Simplified)zh-TW : Chinese (Traditional)es : Spanishpt-BR : Brazilian Portugueseth : ThaiThe icon is only displayed if the specified locale matches the locale in the name parameter. |
homepage_url.<locale> | String | Optional | The website link of the plug-in for the user's locale. |
desktop | Object | Optional | The JavaScript and CSS files for the Desktop. |
desktop.js | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of JavaScript file URLs for the Desktop. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur. |
desktop.css | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of CSS file URLs for the Desktop. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur. |
mobile | Object | Optional | The JavaScript and CSS files for the mobile. |
mobile.js | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of JavaScript file URLs for the Mobile. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur |
mobile.css | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of CSS file URLs for the Mobile. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur. |
config | Object | Optional | The HTML, JavaScript and CSS files for the Plug-in Settings page. |
config.html | String | Optional | The HTML file for the Plug-in Settings page. Only files within the plug-in can be specified. |
config.js | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of JavaScript file URLs for the Plug-in Settings page. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur. |
config.css | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of CSS file URLs for the Plug-in Settings page. Up to 30 files can be set. If multiple files have the same name, an error will occur. |
config.required_params | Array of Strings | Optional | An array of key names for the required fields in the Plug-in Settings page. Must be between 1 to 64 ASCII characters. |
Manifest file sample
Packaging Plug-in Files
Once the files are ready, the Plugin-packer tool is used to package the customization. Read through the following article for steps on how to use the plug-in packer tool.
Package Plug-in Files using plugin-packer