App Design Settings to Enhance User Experience
This article introduces simple App design settings that can be achieved with basic functions.
Copy Process Management Settings to Another App
This article introduces how to copy the process management settings of a Kintone App to another App.
Display an Animated Loading Spinner
This article introduces how to display a loading spinner on Kintone Apps using spin.js.
How to Manage Permissions to Avoid Impact on Performance
This article explains how to manage permissions to reduce impact on performance.
Randomly Select a Record
This article introduces how to build a Kintone App with a random record selector button using the Underscore.js JavaScript library.
Save Data to Kintone with an ESP8266
This article introduces how to make a POST request to Kintone with an ESP8266
Store App Visits to an Access Log App
This article introduces how to create an Access Log App on Kintone that records users' visits to Kintone Apps.