API Updates for September 2019
The next Kintone updates are 6th September 2019 and 8th September 2019. The release also includes the following updates.
Kintone Infrastructure Changes
- Kintone domains created after the 8th September Kintone update will run on an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure. All domains created before this Kintone update are planned to transition to run on the AWS cloud infrastructure. The date of the transition of these domains is to be determined, and will be announced on the Kintone Developer Program website when it is confirmed.
Please note the following specification changes for Kintone running on the AWS cloud infrastructure.
Changes in Security
Client certificate authentication and Basic Authentication features will be disabled for the Kintone AWS domains. 2FA will be added as a new security feature.
Due to this change, Authorization:Basic headers cannot be used for authenticating REST API calls.
If a Kintone user has 2FA enabled, the X-Cybozu-Authorization header cannot be used for authenticating REST API calls. Use one of the following workarounds instead:
- Use the X-Cybozu-API-Token header
- Use Session Authentication
- Use Kintone's OAuth client feature
- Call the API using the X-Cybozu-Authorization header from a different Kintone user that is not using 2FA
Changes in Query results
There will be slight changes to the results returned for certain types of queries on the Record List view. This change in result also applies to Kintone REST API calls that include query parameters in their request.
Here are some query result examples for a Kintone App with the below record data. The field code for "Project Name" (a Text field) is projectname, and the field code for "Project Members" (a Number field) is projectmembers.
Example query 1
AWS domains: Records 5, 6, 8 and 10 will be returned.
Non-AWS domains: Records 5 and 8 will be returned.
Example query 2
AWS domains: Records 5 and 9 will be returned.
Non-AWS domains: Records 5, 7 and 9 will be returned.
Kintone JavaScript API
Spec changes
- The position of the element retrieved by
will change in the 6th September update.-
Record List View
Before the update After the update Below the black header. Between the View name and the Record List. -
Record List View (Calendar)
Before the update After the update Below the black header. Below the black header (no change). -
Record Details Page
Before the update After the update Below the black header. Between the Record Title and the Details/Comments/History tabs. -
Record Edit Page
Before the update After the update Below the black header. Between the Record Title and the Details/Comments/History tab. -
Record Create Page
Before the update After the update Below the black header. Between "New record" and the Details tab.