API Updates for February 2021

API Updates

Update Summary

The February update consists of new APIs related to the App's Graph settings (External link) .
The APIs allows for creating and manipulating Graphs that previously required using Kintone's graphical interface. These APIs come in handy when Apps with graph settings are created in a test environment and need to be copied over to the production environment.

Kintone REST API

New features

  • New APIs will be added to get and update the Graph settings (External link) of Apps
    • Relevant APIs
      • /k/v1/app/reports.json [GET]
      • /k/v1/preview/app/reports.json [GET, PUT]

User API

Spec changes

  • Added support for X-HTTP-Method-Override header to all User APIs .
    • Details
      • If a GET request is sent using kintone.api() and the URI length exceeds 4KB, the X-HTTP-Method-Override header will automatically be added and the request will be sent as a POST request.
      • With this spec change, User API requests with long URIs are executed without running into Request URI Too Large errors when using kintone.api() .

Bug fixes

  • A bug exists where operations that generate notifications to some users result in an error. This bug will be fixed.
    • Related APIs
    • Conditions
      When all of the following conditions apply:
      • A user is added using the API with locale parameter set to auto.
      • Operations are done that generate notifications to the added user.
    • Details
      • Before the fix: The Illegal request error message is returned, and the operation fails.
      • After the fix: The operation will complete without an error, and the notification will be sent to the added user.