User API Overview


The User API

The User API is a REST API that gets, adds and updates user/group/department information.


User Authentication

The User REST API requires password authentication, with the appropriate Keys and Values set in the header of the request. If the Basic authentication security feature is also set on your domain, both headers for the Password Authentication and the Basic Authentication will be required for the request.

Password authentication

Set X-Cybozu-Authorization on the request header, with a BASE64 encoded login name and password as the value.
If your log in name is "Kintone" and your password is "developer", BASE64 encode "Kintone:developer" and set it on the header as follows:

X-Cybozu-Authorization: S2ludG9uZTpkZXZlbG9wZXI=

Session authentication

Session authentication is a method of authentication where a session ID is assigned to a user by the web server and saved as a cookie. This cookie is used to identify and authenticate the user. Session Authentication can only be used by JavaScript codes that are run on the pages of Kintone. CSRF tokens are necessary when using Session Authentication with POSTPUTDELETE methods. Refer to the following documentation for more details on retrieving a CSRF token:
Get CSRF Token

Authentication priority

The priority of authentication is as follows.

  1. Password authentication
  2. Session authentication

Basic authentication (Legacy)


As of June 2020, Basic Authentication has been deprecated, and is no longer available for use.

If your Kintone environment has set the Basic authentication security feature, add Authorization in the request header, with the string Basic and a BASE64 encoded login name and password of the Basic authentication as the value.
If the basic authentication log in name is "chocolate" and the basic authentication password is "pudding", place "Basic" in the value, followed by a BASE64 encoded "chocolate:pudding" as follows:

Authorization: Basic Y2hvY29sYXRlOnB1ZGRpbmc=

Request Headers

These request headers are used for the REST API.

Host Required {subdomain}
Content-Type Conditional application/json.
Specify this only if the request body is in JSON format.
X-Cybozu-Authorization Conditional login_name:password encoded in Base64.
Only required when using Password Authentication.
For more information on Password Authentication, refer to the following documentation:
Password Authentication
Authorization Conditional Basic followed by a Base64 encoded login_name:password.
Only required when using deprecated Basic Authentication, which is no longer available as of June 2020.
For more information on Basic Authentication, refer to the following documentation:
Basic Authentication

Request URI

General https://{subdomain}{API_command}.json This is the general format for User APIs.


HTTP status code 200 denotes that the request was successful.
Treat any other status code as errors. Errors will respond with JSON data including the following information.

message The error message. The language of the message will differ depending on the user's language settings of the Kintone user used for the authentication.
id The ID of the error.
code The code of the error, to specify the type of error it is.

Sample error response

  "message": "Invalid JSON string.",
  "id": "1505999166-897850006",
  "code": "CB_IJ01"

Data Structures Used with the User API

ID type

Used for entities (user/group/departments) in Kintone.
An integer between 1 - Long.MAX.

User type

Key Type Details
id ID type The user ID. Refer to the following section for more information on ID types:
ID type
code String The log in name of the User.
ctime ISO-8601 date and time format The created datetime of the User.
mtime ISO-8601 date and time format The updated datetime of the User.
valid Boolean If the Status of the user is Active or not.
name String The display name of the User.
surName String The last name of the User.
givenName String The first name of the User.
surNameReading String The phonetic reading of the Last name.
givenNameReading String The phonetic reading of the First name.
localName String The localized display name of the User.
localNameLocale String The locale of the localized display name of the User.
timezone String The time zone ID of the user's set time zone. See all list of time zones in the Kintone Help:
List of Time Zones (External link)
locale String The language setting of the user.
description String The About Me section of the user's profile.
phone String The phone number of the User.
mobilePhone String The mobile phone number of the User.
extensionNumber String The extension number of the User.
email String The Email address of the User.
callto String The Skype ID of the User.
url String The URL section of the user's profile.
employeeNumber String The Employee Number of the User.
birthDate ISO-8601 date format or null The Birthday of the User.
joinDate ISO-8601 date format or null The Hire Date of the User.
primaryOrganization Integer or null The Department ID of the Priority Department of the User. Set to null if there is no Priority Department.
sortOrder Integer The Display Order priority of the User.
customItemValues customItemValue Arrays A list of pairs of Custom Field Names and Custom Field Codes. Refer to the following section for more information on customItemValues:
customItemValue type

Only Users & System Administrators are able to get data of Custom Fields that have the Visibility option unchecked.
For more information on Users & System Administrators, refer to the following link:
Types of Administrators (External link)

Department type

Key Type Details
id ID type The ID of the Department. Refer to the following section for more information on ID types:
ID type
code String The Code of the Department.
name String The display name of the Department.
localName String The localized name of the Department.
localNameLocale String The locale of the localized name of the Department.
parentCode String The code of the Parent Department. null, if the parent is the Root.
description String The description of the Department.

Title type

Key Type Details
id ID type The ID of the Job Title. Refer to the following section for more information on ID types:
ID type
code String The code of the Job Title.
name String The name of the Job Title.
description String The description of the Job Title.

Group type

Key Type Details
id ID type The ID of the Group. Refer to the following section for more information on ID types:
ID type
code String The code of the Group.
name String The display name of the Group.
description String The description of the Group.

OrganizationTitle type

Key Type Details
organization department type The Department information. Refer to the following section for more information on department types:
department type
title title type or null The Job Title information. null for no title. Refer to the following section for more information on title types:
title type

UserTitle type

Key Type Details
user user type The User information. Refer to the following section for more information on user types:
user type
title title type or null The Job Title information. null for no title. Refer to the following section for more information on user types:
title type

CustomItemValue type

Key Type Details
code String Code
value String Value

Custom fields may have their Visibility option's Make this field public setting unchecked. Only the user themselves and Users & System Administrators are able to get data of Custom Fields that have the Visibility option unchecked.
For more information on Users & System Administrators, refer to the following link:
Types of Administrators (External link)


X-HTTP-Method-Override header

  • Add the X-HTTP-Method-Override header to work around the Request URI Too Large error that occurs when the request URI exceeds 4KB. All User APIs support this header.
  • If a GET request of a User API is sent using the Kintone REST API Request method, and the URI length exceeds 4KB, the X-HTTP-Method-Override header will automatically be added and the request will be sent as a POST request. This allows User API requests with long URIs to be executed without errors.
    For more information on the Kintone REST API Request method, refer to the following link:
    Kintone REST API Request