Update Graph Settings
Updates the Graph settings of the App. For more information, refer to the following article:
Configuring/Deleting Charts
This API updates the pre-live settings.
After using this API, use the following API to deploy the settings to the live App:
Deploy App Settings
Method | PUT |
URL | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/v1/preview/app/reports.json |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/guest/{SpaceID}/v1/app/reports.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , API Token Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json |
- App Management Permissions are needed.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer or String | Yes | The App ID. |
reports | Object | Yes | An object listing Graph information. The key of the object is the graph's unique identifier, which is equal to the name of the graph in its default language settings. The values of the key are the various graph settings associated with that graph. |
reports.{graphname} | Object | An object listing Graph information of 1 graph. If graphname is equal to the name of an existing graph, the graph will be updated with the values in the object. If graphname is not equal to a name of an existing graph, a new graph will be created with the values in the object. Any existing graphs that are not set for this parameter will be deleted. |
reports.{graphname}.chartType | String | Conditional | The chart type of the graph. For more information, refer to the following article: Chart Types and Their Usage
reports.{graphname}.chartMode | String | Conditional | The display mode of the graph. For more information, refer to the following article: Chart Types and Their Usage
If the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to AREA or SPLINE_AREA, NORMAL refers to "Non-stacked graph" display mode. Required when the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to BAR, COLUMN, AREA, or SPLINE_AREA. |
reports.{graphname}.name | String | Conditional | The name of the graph. 1 to 64 characters can be specified. When adding a new graph, the request will fail if the value of this parameter is not the same as reports.{graphname}. Required when adding a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.index | Integer or String | Conditional | The order of the graphs. The graph is sorted in ascending order, starting from 0. The request will fail if there are duplicate values. Required when updating an existing graph, or creating a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.groups | Array | Conditional | An array of objects containing the "Group by" options. The order of the objects are in the order of "Level 1", "Level 2", and "Level 3". The request will fail if the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to PIVOT_TABLE and reports.{graphname}.groups has less than one object. Required when adding a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.groups[].code | String | Conditional | The field code of the field used to determine the "Group by" option. Required when specifying the reports.{graphname}.groups parameter. |
reports.{graphname}.groups[].per | String | Conditional | The time unit used for the "Group by" option.
reports.{graphname}.aggregations | Array | Conditional | An array of objects containing the "Function" options. The maximum limit is 10 elements in the array. If the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to PIVOT_TABLE, only 1 element can be set in the array. Required when adding a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.aggregations[].type | String | Conditional | The type of the "Function" option.
reports.{graphname}.aggregations[].code | String | Conditional | The field code of the field to be used in the "Function" option. Elements with type set to SUM or AVERAGE can specify the following fields:
reports.{graphname}.filterCond | String | The record's filter condition in query string format that reflects the "Filter" option. For more information on query formats refer to the following document: Query String If this parameter is ignored for a new graph, it is the same as when "All records" is specified. If this parameter is ignored for an existing graph, the filter setting will not be changed. The request will fail if a deleted User, Group, or Organization is specified in the filter condition. |
reports.{graphname}.sorts | Array | Conditional | An array of objects containing the "Sort by" options. The maximum limit is 3 elements in the array. Required when adding a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.sorts[].by | String | Conditional | How the graph is sorted.
reports.{graphname}.sorts[].order | String | Conditional | The order of sorting.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport | Object | An object containing the "Periodic Reports" options. If the "Periodic Reports" option is active, no graph settings can be updated except for the following:
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.active | Boolean or String | The activation status of the "Periodic Reports" option.
If this parameter is ignored when updating an existing Periodic Report, this value is not updated. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period | Object | Conditional | An object containing the "Period" options. When updating the Periodic Report, either ignore this parameter or keep the parameters the same. Otherwise, an error will be returned. Required when adding a new graph. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every | String | Conditional | The time interval type used to determine when to generate the Periodic Reports.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.month | Integer or String | Conditional | The month when the Periodic Report will be generated. Specify the month as an integer, ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December). Required when the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.time | String | Conditional | The time when the Periodic Report will be generated. Input the time in HH:MM format. Required when the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, or DAY. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.pattern | String | Conditional | The months when the quarterly Periodic Report will be generated.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.dayOfMonth | String | Conditional | The day when the Periodic Report will be generated.
Required when the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR, QUARTER, or MONTH. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.dayOfWeek | String | Conditional | The day of the week when the Periodic Report will be generated.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.minute | Integer or String | Conditional | The minute when the hourly Periodic Report will be generated. Set as "0", "10", "20", "30", "40" or "50". Required when the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to HOUR. |
revision | Integer or String | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored or -1 is specified. |
Sample Request
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
revision | String | The revision number of the App settings. |
reports | Object | An object listing Graph information. |
reports.{graphname}.id | String | The ID of the graph. |
Sample Response
If multiple graphs have (or will result in having) the same name within the same App, this API will return an error.