Kintone JavaScript API Specifications


Pages where customizations are applied

JavaScript customizations can be uploaded and applied to Kintone. These customizations can either be Kintone system-wide customizations or Kintone App customizations. For details, refer to the following Help pages:

Customizations on Preview Pages

Kintone Apps have a preview feature, where the App Administrator can access a preview environment of the App before deploying it. Although JavaScript customizations can run in these environments, any Kintone REST APIs used will affect the deployed environment. For example, a JavaScript code can display a button which will add a new record using the Add Record API. Accessing the preview pages and clicking this button will not create a new record in the App of the preview pages. A new record will be created in the deployed environment instead.
For more information on preview feature, refer to the following guide on the help site:
Performing Functional Tests on Apps (External link)