Update Action Settings
Updates the Action settings of the App. For more information on Actions, refer to the following article:
Configuring App Actions
This API updates the pre-live settings. After using this API, use the following API to deploy the settings to the live App:
Deploy App Settings
Method | PUT |
URL | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/v1/preview/app/actions.json |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/guest/{SpaceID}/v1/app/actions.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , API Token Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json |
- App Management Permissions of the source App are needed.
- Permissions to view the copy destination App are needed.*
* If the actions.{actionname}.destApp and actions.{actionname}.mappings parameters are omitted, permissions to view the copy destination App is not required.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
app | Integer or String | Yes | The App ID. |
actions | Object | Yes | An object listing Action settings. The object's key is the Action's unique identifier, which is equal to the Action's name in its default language settings. The values of the key are the various Action settings associated with that Action. |
actions.{actionname} | Object | An object listing Action information of 1 Action. If actionname is equal to the name of an existing Action, the Action will be updated with the values in the object. If actionname is not equal to a name of an existing Action, a new Action will be created with the values in the object. Any existing Action that is not set for this parameter will be deleted. |
actions.{actionname}.name | String | Conditional | The name of the Action. 1 to 32 characters can be specified. When creating a new Action, the request will fail if this parameter's value is not the same as actions.{actionname}. Required when updating an existing Action, or creating a new Action. |
actions.{actionname}.index | Integer or String | Conditional | The order of the Actions. The Action is sorted in ascending order, starting from 0. The request will fail if there are duplicate values. Required when updating an existing Action, or creating a new Action. |
actions.{actionname}.destApp | Object | Conditional | An object containing the Target option that specifies the destination App where data is to be copied. Required when creating a new Action. |
actions.{actionname}.destApp.app | Integer or String | Conditional | The App ID of the copy destination App. Required if the actions.{actionname}.destApp.code is not specified. |
actions.{actionname}.destApp.code | String | Conditional | The App Code of the copy destination App. Required if the actions.{actionname}.destApp.app is not specified. If both actions.{actionname}.destApp.app and actions.{actionname}.destApp.code are specified, code takes precedence. |
actions.{actionname}.mappings | Array | Conditional | An array of objects containing the "Field Mappings" options. If the array is empty, the Action will not have "Field Mappings" options set. Required when specifying the actions.{actionname}.destApp parameter, or creating a new Action. |
actions.{actionname}.mappings[].srcType | String | Conditional | The type of source data that is to be copied.
actions.{actionname}.mappings[].srcField | String | Conditional | The field code of the field specified in the "Field Mappings" options as the source. Required when the actions.{actionname}.mappings[].srcType is set to FIELD. |
actions.{actionname}.mappings[].destField | String | Conditional | The field code of the field specified in the "Field Mappings" options as the destination. Required when specifying the actions.{actionname}.mappings parameter. |
actions.{actionname}.entities | Array | Conditional | An array of objects containing the entities the Action is granted to. This reflects the "Available To" options. If the array is empty, the Action will not be available to any users/departments/groups. Required when creating a new Action. |
actions.{actionname}.entities[].type | String | Conditional | The type of the entity the Action is granted to.
Required when specifying the actions.{actionname}.entities parameter. |
actions.{actionname}.entities[].code | String | Conditional | The code of the entity the Action is granted to. For guest users, add guest/ before the login name. Required when specifying the actions.{actionname}.entities parameter. |
revision | Integer or String | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored or -1 is specified. |
Sample Request
curl Sample
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
revision | String | The revision number of the App settings. |
actions | Object | An object listing Action settings. |
actions.{actionname}.id | String | The ID of the Action. |
Sample Response
If multiple Actions have (or will result in having) the same name within the same App, this API will return an error.