Update Customization
Updates the JavaScript and CSS Customization settings of an App.
This API updates the pre-live settings.
After using this API, use the following API to deploy the settings to the live App:
Deploy App Settings
Method | PUT |
URL | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/v1/preview/app/customize.json |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/k/guest/{SpaceID}/v1/preview/app/customize.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json |
- Only Kintone Administrators can use this API.
- App Management Permissions are needed.
- API Tokens cannot be used with this API.
Request Parameters
Parameters that are ignored will not be updated.
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
app | Integer or String | Yes | The App ID. |
desktop | Object | An object containing data of JavaScript and CSS files for the desktop. | |
desktop.css | Array | An array listing data of CSS files for desktop. | |
desktop.css[].file | Object | An Object containing data of CSS file uploads. Specify, if "FILE" is selected for desktop.css[].type . Along with desktop.css[].url, up to 30 may be specified. |
desktop.css[].file.fileKey | String | The fileKey of the CSS file. To attach a file, specify the fileKey that is responded when using the following API: Upload File To keep the current CSS files that are attached to the App, specify the fileKeys that are responded when using the following API: Get Customization |
desktop.css[].type | String | The end-point type of the CSS file:
desktop.css[].url | String | The URL of the CSS file. Specify, if "URL" is selected for desktop.css[].type . Along with desktop.css[].file, up to 30 may be specified. |
desktop.js | Array | An array listing data of JavaScript files. | |
desktop.js[].file | Object | An Object containing data of an uploaded JavaScript file. Specify, if "FILE" is selected for desktop.js[].type . Along with desktop.js[].url, up to 30 may be specified. |
desktop.js[].file.fileKey | String | The fileKey of the JavaScript file. To attach a file, specify the fileKey that is responded when using the following API: Upload File To keep the current JavaScript files that are attached to the App, specify the fileKeys that are responded when using the following API: Get Customization |
desktop.js[].type | String | The end-point type of the JavaScript file:
desktop.js[].url | String | The URL of the JavaScript file. Specify, if "URL" is selected for desktop.js[].type . Along with desktop.js[].file, up to 30 may be specified. |
mobile | Object | An object containing data of JavaScript and CSS files for the mobile. | |
mobile.css | Array | An array listing data of CSS files for mobile. | |
mobile.css[].file | Object | An Object containing data of CSS file uploads. Specify, if "FILE" is selected for mobile.css[].type . Along with mobile.css[].url, up to 30 may be specified. |
mobile.css[].file.fileKey | String | The fileKey of the CSS file. To attach a file, specify the fileKey that is responded when using the following API: Upload File To keep the current CSS files that are attached to the App, specify the fileKeys that are responded when using the following API: Get Customization |
mobile.css[].type | String | The end-point type of the CSS file:
mobile.css[].url | String | The URL of the CSS file. Specify, if "URL" is selected for mobile.css[].type . Along with mobile.css[].file, up to 30 may be specified. |
mobile.js | Array | An array listing data of JavaScript files. | |
mobile.js[].file | Object | An Object containing data of JavaScript file uploads. Specify, if "FILE" is selected for mobile.js[].type . Along with mobile.js[].url, up to 30 may be specified. |
mobile.js[].file.fileKey | String | The fileKey of the JavaScript file. To attach a file, specify the fileKey that is responded when using the following API: Upload File To keep the current JavaScript files that are attached to the App, specify the fileKeys that are responded when using the following API: Get Customization |
mobile.js[].type | String | The end-point type of the JavaScript file:
mobile.js[].url | String | The URL of the JavaScript file. Specify, if "URL" is selected for mobile.js[].type . Along with mobile.js[].file, up to 30 may be specified. |
revision | Integer or String | Specify the revision number of the settings that will be deployed. The request will fail if the revision number is not the latest revision. The revision will not be checked if this parameter is ignored, or -1 is specified. |
scope | String | The scope of customization
Sample Request
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
revision | String | The revision number of the App settings. |
Sample Response