Update Users
Updates users of a Kintone environment.
Method | PUT |
URL | https://{subdomain}.kintone.com/v1/users.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json |
Only Administrators can use this API.
For more information on Administrators, refer to the following article:
Types of Administrators
Request Parameters
A users array consisting of an object formed by the below properties is to be specified in the request. Up to 100 users can be updated.
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
code | String | Yes | The User Code (log-in name). The maximum limit is 128 characters. Values consisting of only whitespaces or null are not allowed. |
valid | Boolean | Optional | The Status of the user. State true for active users, and false for inactive users. |
password | String | Optional | The password. The maximum limit is 128 characters. Whitespaces are not allowed. |
name | String | Optional | The display name. The maximum limit is 128 characters. Values consisting of only whitespaces or null are not allowed. |
surName | String | Optional | The Surname. The maximum limit is 128 characters. |
givenName | String | Optional | The Given Name. The maximum limit is 128 characters. |
surNameReading | String | Optional | The Phonetic Surname. The maximum limit is 128 characters. This setting is not displayed when editing user information on the Departments & Users page for kintone.com domains. |
givenNameReading | String | Optional | The Phonetic Given Name. The maximum limit is 128 characters. This setting is not displayed when editing user information on the Departments & Users page for kintone.com domains. |
localName | String | Optional | The Localized Name. The maximum limit is 128 characters. This setting is not displayed when editing user information on the Departments & Users page for kintone.com domains. |
localNameLocale | String | Optional | The Language for the Localized Name. The maximum limit is 128 characters. This setting is not displayed when editing user information on the Departments & Users page for kintone.com domains. |
timezone | String | Optional | The user's timezone. An error will occur if left blank. The maximum limit is 256 characters. |
locale | String | Optional | The language settings. Specify one of the following: en , ja , zh , es , or auto .If set as auto or left blank, the User's Language settings will be set to Use Web browser settings. |
description | String | Optional | The description of the user, displayed on the About Me section of the profile. The maximum limit is 1000 characters. |
phone | String | Optional | The Phone number. The maximum limit is 100 characters. |
mobilePhone | String | Optional | The Mobile phone number. The maximum limit is 100 characters. |
extensionNumber | String | Optional | The Extension number. The maximum limit is 100 characters. |
String | Optional | The E-mail address. The maximum limit is 256 characters. |
callto | String | Optional | The Skype name. Limitations are based on limitations of Skype names. |
url | String | Optional | URL The maximum limit is 256 characters. |
employeeNumber | String | Optional | The Employee ID. The maximum limit is 100 characters. |
birthDate | Date | Optional | The Birthday. Specify the Date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or an empty string. |
joinDate | Date | Optional | The Hire Date. Specify the Date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD or an empty string. |
primaryOrganization | Number | Optional | The Priority Department of the User. Specify the Department ID. Set to null if there is no Priority Department.The User needs to belong to a Department for this parameter to be used. |
sortOrder | Number | Optional | The priority of the user in lists of users. Users are sorted in the list in ascending order based on this number. Numbers from 0 to 99999999 can be used. |
customItemValues | customItemValue Array | Optional | A list of pairs of Custom Item codes and Custom Item values for Custom Fields. |
Sample Request
Response Parameters
An empty JSON object will be returned.
Sample Response
- It is not recommended run this API while performing the following operations on the Users & System Administration page:
- Updates to users on the Departments & Users page
For more information, refer to the following article:
Managing Users - Importing from a file
- Updates to users on the Departments & Users page