Get Graph Settings
Gets the Graph settings of the App.
For more information, refer to the following article:
Creating Charts on the "App Settings" Screen
Method | GET |
URL | https://{subdomain} |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}{SpaceID}/v1/app/reports.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , API Token Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json (not needed if specifying the query with a query string) |
Pre-live Settings
Apps may hold pre-live settings that have not yet been deployed to the live App.
Access the pre-live settings with the below URL.
URL | https://{subdomain} |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}{SpaceID}/v1/preview/app/reports.json |
- App Management Permissions are needed.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
app | Integer or String | Yes | The App ID. |
lang | String | The localized language to retrieve the data in:
*If the user language setting is set to Use Web browser settings, the settings set in the Accept-Language header will be used. If there is no Accept-Language header, the language set in the Localization settings in the System Administrator's menu will be used.
Sample Request
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
reports | Object | An object of Graph settings data. The key of the object is the graph's unique identifier, which is set as the graph's name in its default language settings (this is regardless of the lang request parameter's value).The values of the key are the various graph settings associated with that graph. |
reports.{graphname}.chartType | String | The chart type of the graph. For more information, refer to the following article: Chart Types and Their Usage
reports.{graphname}.chartMode | String | The display mode of the graph. For more information, refer to the following article: Chart Types and Their Usage
reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to BAR or COLUMN , then NORMAL refers to Clustered graph display mode.If the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to AREA or SPLINE\_AREA , then NORMAL refers to Non-stacked graph display mode.This parameter is returned only if the reports.{graphname}.chartType parameter is set to BAR , COLUMN , AREA , or SPLINE\_AREA . |
reports.{graphname}.id | String | The ID of the graph. |
reports.{graphname}.name | String | The name of the graph. The maximum limit is 64 characters. When the lang request parameter is specified, the graph's name in that language will be returned. |
reports.{graphname}.index | String | The order of the graphs, starting from 0. |
reports.{graphname}.groups | Array | An array of objects containing the Group by options. The order of the objects are in the order of Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. Levels that are not set will not be included in the array. This parameter is returned only if the Group by option is configured. |
reports.{graphname}.groups[].code | String | The field code of the field used to determine the Group by option. |
reports.{graphname}.groups[].per | String | The time unit used for the Group by option.
reports.{graphname}.groups[].code :
reports.{graphname}.aggregations | Array | An array of objects containing the Function options. |
reports.{graphname}.aggregations[].type | String | The type of the Function option.
reports.{graphname}.aggregations[].code | String | The field code of the field used in the Function option. This parameter is not returned if the reports.{graphname}.aggregations[].type is set to COUNT . |
reports.{graphname}.filterCond | String | The record's filter condition in query string format that reflects the Filter option. For more data on query formats refer to the following document: Query String The request will fail if a deleted User, Group, or Organization is specified in the filter condition. |
reports.{graphname}.sorts | Array | An array of objects containing the Sort by options. |
reports.{graphname}.sorts[].by | String | How the graph is sorted.
reports.{graphname}.sorts[].order | String | The order of sorting.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport | Object | An objects containing the Periodic Reports options. For more information, refer to the following article: What Are Periodic Reports? If the Generate reports periodically option have never been configured, null will be returned. |
reports.{graphname} | Boolean | The activation status of the Periodic Reports option.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period | Object | An object containing the Period options. |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every | String | The time interval type used to determine when to generate the Periodic Reports.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.month | String | The month when the Periodic Report will be generated. The month is returned as an integer, ranging from 1 (January) to 12 (December). This parameter is returned only if the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR . |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.time | String | The time when the Periodic Report will be generated. Format: HH:MM This parameter is returned only if the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR , QUARTER , MONTH , WEEK , or DAY . |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.pattern | String | The months when the quarterly Periodic Report will be generated.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to QUARTER . |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.dayOfMonth | String | The day when the Periodic Report will be generated. The day is returned as an integer, ranging from 1 to 31, or set as END_OF_MONTH *.*Only for graphs where the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to QUARTER or MONTH .This parameter is returned only if the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to YEAR , QUARTER , or MONTH . |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.dayOfWeek | String | The day of the week when the Periodic Report will be generated.
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to WEEK . |
reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.minute | String | The minute when the hourly Periodic Report will be generated. The minute will be returned as 0 , 10 , 20 , 30 , 40 or 50 .This parameter is returned only if the reports.{graphname}.periodicReport.period.every parameter is set to HOUR . |
revision | String | The revision number of the App settings. |
Sample Response
If multiple graphs have the same name within the same App, this API will return an error.