API Updates for Sept 2024 (2nd Announcement)

API Updates

This is the 2nd announcement regarding the September 2024 Kintone API updates.
Find the first announcement in the API Updates for September 2024 article.

Update Summary

A maintenance update includes spec changes to the Get Action Settings and Get Form Fields API.

Kintone REST API

Spec changes

Change of permissions for Get Action Settings API

Before the update:

The value of actions.{actionname}.destApp and actions.{actionname}.mappings will become null if the user does not have View records or Add records permission of the destination App.

After the update:

The value of actions.{actionname}.destApp and actions.{actionname}.mappings will become null if the user does not have View records, Add records, or Manage App permission of the destination App.

Related APIs

Change of permissions for Get Form Fields API

Before the update:

  • Errors will occur when obtaining data of pre-live settings if the user does not have View records or Add records permission.
  • The value of properties.{fieldcode}.lookup and properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable will become null if the user does not have View records or Add records permission.

After the update:

  • Errors will occur when obtaining data of pre-live settings if the user does not have View records, Add records, or Manage App permission.
  • The value of properties.{fieldcode}.lookup and properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTablewill become null if the user does not have View records, Add records, or Manage App permission.

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