Get Form Fields
Gets the list of fields and field settings of an App.
Method | GET |
URL | https://{subdomain} |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}{SpaceID}/v1/app/form/fields.json |
Authentication | Password Authentication , API Token Authentication , Session Authentication |
Content-Type | application/json (not needed if specifying the query with a query string) |
Pre-live Settings
Apps may hold pre-live settings that have not yet been deployed to the live App.
Access the pre-live settings with the below URL.
URL | https://{subdomain} |
URL(guest space) | https://{subdomain}{SpaceID}/v1/preview/app/form/fields.json |
- Permission to view records or add records is needed when obtaining data of live apps.
- Permission to manage the App is needed when obtaining data of pre-live settings.
Request Parameters
Parameter | Value | Required | Description |
app | Integer | Yes | The App ID. |
lang | String | The localized language to retrieve the data in:
*If the user language setting is set to Use Web browser settings, the settings set in the Accept-Language header will be used. If there is no Accept-Language header, the language set in the Localization settings in the System Administrator's menu will be used.
Sample Request
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
properties | Object | An object with data of the field settings. |
properties.{fieldcode}.label | String | The field name. |
properties.{fieldcode}.code | String | The field code. |
properties.{fieldcode}.type | String | The field type.
properties.{fieldcode}.noLabel | Boolean | The Hide field name option.
properties.{fieldcode}.required | String | The Required field option.
properties.{fieldcode}.unique | String | The Prohibit duplicate values option.
properties.{fieldcode}.maxValue | String | The maximum number of characters for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.minValue | String | The minimum number of characters for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.maxLength | String | The maximum number of digits for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.minLength | String | The minimum number of digits for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.defaultValue | String or Array | The default value. An array will be returned for fields that can set multiple default values. |
properties.{fieldcode}.defaultNowValue | String | The Default to the record creation date option.
properties.{fieldcode}.options | Object | An object including data of the field's options. |
properties.{fieldcode}.options.{optionname}.label | String | The name of the option. |
properties.{fieldcode}.options.{optionname}.index | String | The display order (ascending) of the option, when listed with the other options. |
properties.{fieldcode}.align | String | The layout of the options.
properties.{fieldcode}.expression | String | The formula expression used in the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.hideExpression | String | The Hide formula settings for the field.
properties.{fieldcode}.digit | String | The Use thousands separators option.
properties.{fieldcode}.thumbnailSize | String | The size of the image thumbnail in pixels. |
properties.{fieldcode}.protocol | String | The Link type settings for the field.
properties.{fieldcode}.format | String | The display format for fields with calculations:
properties.{fieldcode}.displayScale | String | The number of decimal places to display for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.unit | String | The Currency settings of the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.unitPosition | String | The display position of the Currency.
properties.{fieldcode}.entities | Array | An array listing the preset users for the field. |
properties.{fieldcode}.entities[].code | String | The code of the user/group/department. |
properties.{fieldcode}.entities[].type | String | The entity type.
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable | Object | An object containing the settings of the Related Records field.null is returned if there are no view permissions for the Datasource App. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.relatedApp | Object | An object containing data of the Datasource App setting. |
properties.{fieldcode} | String | The App ID of the Datasource App. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.relatedApp.code | String | The App Code of the Datasource App. If no App Code is set of the App, an empty string will be returned. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.condition | Object | An object containing data of the Fetch Criteria setting. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.condition.field | String | The field code of the field selected for Field in this app. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.condition.relatedField | String | The field code of the field selected for Field in datasource app. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.filterCond | String | The Filter setting, in a query format. For more data on query formats refer to the following document: Query String |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.displayFields | Array | A list of field codes of fields specified in the Datasource App Fields to Display setting. |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.sort | String | The Display Order setting, in a query format. For more data on query formats refer to the following article: Query String |
properties.{fieldcode}.referenceTable.size | String | The Max Records to Display at a Time setting. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup | Object | An object containing the settings of the Lookup field.null is returned if there are no view permissions for the Datasource App. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.relatedApp | Object | An object containing data of the Datasource App setting. |
properties.{fieldcode} | String | The App ID of the Datasource App. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.relatedApp.code | String | The App Code of the Datasource App. An empty string is returned if no App Code is set. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.relatedKeyField | String | The field code for the field set in the Key Field setting. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.fieldMappings | Array | A list of data set for the Field Mappings setting. If nothing is set, an empty string will be returned. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.fieldMappings[].field | String | The field code of the field set for the mapping endpoint. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.fieldMappings[].relatedField | String | The field code of the field set for the mapping source. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.lookupPickerFields | Array | A list of field codes of fields set for the Fields Shown in Lookup Picker setting. If nothing is set, an empty string will be returned. |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.filterCond | String | The default filter query for the Filter setting. For more data on query formats refer to the following document: Query String |
properties.{fieldcode}.lookup.sort | String | The default sort order for the Filter setting. For more data on query formats refer to the following document: Query String |
properties.{fieldcode}.openGroup | String | The Show fields in this group option.
properties.{fieldcode}.fields | Object | An object containing data of fields in a table. The parameters of this object are the same as the properties parameter. |
properties.{fieldcode}.enabled | String | The on/off settings of features. Only returned for Process Management Status and Categories.
revision | String | The revision number of the App settings. |
Sample Response