What is Kintone Customization?
By utilizing the Kintone JavaScript API, the UI/UX of Kintone can be customized, as well as integrated with 3rd party services.
Display and Hide Fields
Fields can be set to be displayed or hidden depending on values selected on a different field.
Show and Hide Fields Using Check Boxes
Field Validations
User inputs can be validated when adding and editing records.
Validation for Table Field Values
Display a Confirmation Dialog when Saving
When saving a record, a dialog can be displayed to confirm the saving of the data. The dialog is displayed using the SweetAlert2 library.
Display Confirmation Messages when Saving Records
Display Maps
Maps can be displayed on Kintone records using Openlayers and OpenStreetMap.
Pin Address Locations on Embedded Maps
Integrate with 3rd Party Services
By utilizing the Kintone REST API, Kintone data can be integrated with 3rd Party Services. For example, data managed in Kintone can be backed up to external systems. Data can also be added, updated and edited from external systems.
Send Google Forms Submissions to Kintone
Data sent through Google Forms can be recorded into Kintone records.
Post Google Forms Responses into Kintone
Send Record Status Updates to Slack
When the statues of Kintone records become updated, this update can be notified into a Slack channel.
Share Process Management Statuses with Slack
Back up Record Data with Azure
When a record is added into Kintone, the data can be stored in an Azure Table Storage.