Field Types
Fields and Their Field Codes, Types, and Values
Fields follow the JSON format listed in the tables in the following sections:
Each field in a Kintone app has a Field Code, that is unique within the App. These field codes are necessary when creating, retrieving, and updating data via API. To check or change the field code, hover over the field in the App's settings, and open up the settings menu from the cog wheel that appears.
The field codes for the below fields cannot be changed - in this case, specify the name of these fields when using the Kintone API.
- Categories
- Status
- Assignee
Kintone has various fields that can be placed inside the App - the type specifies what type of field the target belongs to. The type will be responded back when retrieving Kintone data, but will not be needed when creating or updating data.
* There is an exception when creating/updating tables using the JavaScript API, where in some cases the TYPE will need to be specified.
The value specifies the value the field holds, or will hold, depending on what API used.
For more information, refer to the following document:
Overview of Field Codes
The Record Number and the Record ID
These two fields sound alike, but make sure to understand the difference before moving on. However, if the App Code settings are not altered, these two fields hold the same values.
- Record Number
A Record Number is a number automatically given to each record of an App.
The number is unique within the App, meaning that no two records in the App can have the same Record Number.
However, the format of the Record Number can be altered through the advanced settings of the App, by specifying an App Code. If the App Code is set to "APPCODE", the Record Number will be displayed in the following sample format: "APPCODE-1". - Record ID
The Record ID, rather much like the Record Number, is a number automatically given to each record of an App. The Record ID will always be a number.
Use the Record ID when using Kintone APIs.
Fields for Form Formatting
The following are fields to customize forms. To get/add/update values is not possible.
- Label
- Blank space
- Border
- Field group
Use the following APIs to get or modify the forms' settings:
- Label, Blank space, Border
- Field group
Related Records Field
It is not possible to get/add/update values from the Related records field.
Use the following APIs to get or modify the forms' settings:
Number Fields
When using Kintone JavaScript API, the values that can be retrieved or modified in number fields are as follows:
- Numbers
can be used to express positive and negative values..
can be used to express decimals.e
can be used to express exponentials.
- Whitespaces
When using
or an event object to update the value, the following values can be used:
: The value in the Number field will become empty.#INVALID!
: The value in the Number field will not be changed.
Entering an invalid value in the Number field will return #INVALID!
For more information on
, refer to the following article:
Set Record Value
Field Responses
Replace <field_code>
with the appropriate field code.
Fields Related to Record Information
Record number | RECORD_NUMBER | If an App Code is not set (default):"<field_code>": {If an App Code is set: "<field_code>": { |
Record ID | __ID__ | "$id": { |
Revision | __REVISION__ | "$revision": { |
Created by | CREATOR | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": { |
Created datetime | CREATED_TIME | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Updated by | MODIFIER | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": { |
Updated datetime | UPDATED_TIME | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Custom Fields
Text | SINGLE_LINE_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Text area | MULTI_LINE_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Rich text | RICH_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Number | NUMBER | "<field_code>": {Reference: Number Fields |
Calculated | CALC | "<field_code>": {The value will vary depending on the Show as option set on the field's settings
value are empty strings for the following events: |
Check box | CHECK_BOX | "<field_code>": { |
Radio button | RADIO_BUTTON | "<field_code>": { |
Multi-choice | MULTI_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Drop-down | DROP_DOWN | "<field_code>": { |
User selection | USER_SELECT | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": { |
Department Selection | ORGANIZATION_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Group Selection | GROUP_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Date | DATE | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Time | TIME | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Date and time | DATETIME | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Link | LINK | "<field_code>": { |
Attachment | FILE | "<field_code>": {The fileKey included in the response can only be used for downloading files. |
Lookup | SINGLE_LINE_TEXT or NUMBER *This depends on the field type of the Key Field. |
If the Key fields is a SINGLE_LINE_TEXT "<field_code>": {If the Key fields is a NUMBER "<field_code>": { |
Table | SUBTABLE | "<field_code>": { |
Related records | REFERENCE_TABLE | Values for this field cannot be retrieved. |
Categories | CATEGORY | "Categories": { |
Status (Process management status) | STATUS | "Status": { |
Assignee (Assignee of the process management status) | STATUS_ASSIGNEE | "Assignee": { |
Label | LABEL | Values for this field cannot be retrieved. |
Blank space | SPACER | Values for this field cannot be retrieved. |
Border | HR | Values for this field cannot be retrieved. |
Field group | GROUP | Values for this field cannot be retrieved. |
Field Requests
Replace <field_code>
with the appropriate field code.
Field Related to Record Information
Record number | RECORD_NUMBER | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Record ID | __ID__ | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Revision | __REVISION__ | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Created by | CREATOR | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": {Values for this field cannot be updated. |
Created datetime | CREATED_TIME | "<field_code>": {or "<field_code>": {Values for this field cannot be updated. Future dates and times cannot be set. Reference: Date Formats |
Updated by | MODIFIER | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": {Values for this field cannot be updated. |
Updated datetime | UPDATED_TIME | "<field_code>": {or "<field_code>": {Values for this field cannot be updated. Future dates and times cannot be set. Reference: Date Formats |
Custom Fields
Text | SINGLE_LINE_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Text Area | MULTI_LINE_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Rich text | RICH_TEXT | "<field_code>": { |
Number | NUMBER | "<field_code>": {Reference: Number Fields |
Calculated | CALC | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Check box * | CHECK_BOX | "<field_code>": { |
Radio button * | RADIO_BUTTON | "<field_code>": {If an empty string is specified, the default value is set. |
Multi-choice * | MULTI_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Drop-down * | DROP_DOWN | "<field_code>": { |
User selection | USER_SELECT | For Kintone users:"<field_code>": {For guest users: "<field_code>": { |
Department Selection | ORGANIZATION_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Group Selection | GROUP_SELECT | "<field_code>": { |
Date | DATE | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Time | TIME | "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Date and time | DATETIME | "<field_code>": {or "<field_code>": {Reference: Date Formats |
Link | LINK | "<field_code>": { |
Attachment | FILE | "<field_code>": { |
Lookup | SINGLE_LINE_TEXT or NUMBER (This depends on the field type of the field) |
"<field_code>": {The Prohibit duplicate values option must be checked for the source App's key field. To use API tokens in Apps that contain Lookup fields, refer to the following article: API Tokens - Limitations |
Table | SUBTABLE | "<field_code>": {Do not add large numbers of rows to a single table. Depending on the App’s settings, the load will affect the records processing, including the records display and operations using the REST API. For notes on working with tables via the REST API or JavaScript API, refer to the following section: Notes on Operating Table's Field Types |
Related records | REFERENCE_TABLE | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Categories | CATEGORY | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Status (Process management status) | STATUS | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Assignee (Assignee of the process management status) | STATUS_ASSIGNEE | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Label | LABEL | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Blank space | SPACER | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Border | HR | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
Field Group | GROUP | Values for this field cannot be created or updated. |
*For the value
, specify the options configured in the field's settings (deleted options can still be specified via API or CSV).
Notes on Operating Table Field
Adding or updating via Kintone JavaScript API
- When adding or updating a table, specify the values of all existing rows.
- The order of the rows is the order of the request data.
- The field type must be specified when adding or updating a table:
Overwrite field values
Adding or updating via Kintone REST API
- When adding or updating a table, specify the values of all existing rows.
- When the
is specified, the value of the specified row will be updated. - The order of the rows is the order of the request data.
- To reorder the rows, the request data should be prepared with the reordered
of the rows.
Adding or deleting of rows
Rows can be added to or removed from a table by adding or deleting row objects in the table’s value
An example of adding a row with push()
An example of deleting a row with pop()
Empty Value Responses
Empty values are responded in the following ways:
When using JavaScript APIs on the Record Add page and the Record Edit page{ "value": undefined }When using JavaScript APIs on other pages, or when using REST APIs { "value": "" } |
When using JavaScript API or REST APIs{ "value": "" } |
When using JavaScript APIs on the Record Add page and the Record Edit page{ "value": undefined }When using JavaScript APIs on other pages, or when using REST APIs { "value": null } |
When using REST APIs{ "value": null }When using JavaScript APIs on the Record Add page and the Record Edit page { "value": undefined }When using JavaScript APIs on other pages { "value": "" } |
When using REST APIs{ "value": null }When using JavaScript APIs { "value": "" } |
When using JavaScript APIs or REST APIs{ "value": [] } |
Empty Value Requests
Empty Values are requested in the following ways:
{ "value": "" }or { "value": null } |
"value": ""or "value": undefinedor "value": null |
{ "value": null } |
{ "value": [] } |
N/A |